
Posted by NHComp

If you want to wrap a paragraph in a blockquote, remember to use tag <p>

This is <blockquote>YoUr TeXt HeRe </blockquote>

Here is the difference:

1. NOT use tag p

Not use tag p
Background is displayed not correctly

2. USE tag p

Use tag p
Everything is OK

P/s: If you have any problem, please leave me a comment at

I will have you if I can.

Thank you :)

This entry was posted on Saturday, May 17, 2008 and is filed under . You can leave a response and follow any responses to this entry through the Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) .


Hi.. i'm not IT Savvy. Please guide on how and where to put tag P. Thanks

Ok, read this post

how can i put banner ad between the contents? i want make it automatically everytime i make a new post. thanks!

QUESTION: I downloaded this template and the comments button does not work when you try to leave a comment. Nothing comes up at all. Do you know what may be wrong with it?

Hi, I've already applied this template but I found some bug on the "newer/older post" control. Seems like one text link goes off the leather background. You can see it even in this demo blog.

How to fix this?


The only real problem I have with this template is that my Google Followers ap will not show :(

Oh yeah, and the ap buttons move around all by themselves when yo click in the page.

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hye... im used this template.. but everybody cannot post comment at my blog.. y? someone plse help me..